Your Privacy, Our Policy

Your privacy is important, so we created this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to help you understand how we collect, store, use, or disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies both offline (for example, if we interact with you in person, over the phone, or by mail) and when we interact with you through our online services, including but not limited to our websites, chatbot, email correspondence, and any other online services that we link to this Privacy Policy. This website is operated by Hardly Water, LLC ® (“Hardly Water.”)  

Our Privacy Policy applies to all websites and communications managed by Hardly Water, LLC ®. Hardly Water reserves the right to make change this Privacy Policy at any time at our sole discretion to reflect new regulations, new technologies or changes to how your personal information and data is collected, used.   

By using our online services, you confirm that you have read and agreed to our Terms of Use and accept and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access the website, and if you do not agree to any changes we make in the future, you must end your use of the website and its available services. Any changes will become effective as soon as they are posted to our website.

Personal information is defined as information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with an individual or household. We do not consider personal information to include information that has been de-identified so that it does not allow a third party to easily identify a specific individual. Your name, e-mail address, and IP address are all examples of data that may be personal information. Since your IP address can help us identify you, we treat “cookies” as personal information.